Saturday, December 5, 2009

best case scenario ~ a story as i remember...

there was not much pain, really, it was simply a bleeding - nothing much. and if she hadn't been six months pregnant, she wouldn't have thought much about it.

but she was.

she could have been scared like the time her sister could have died - the time she was in san christobal on new year and the civil upheaval happened; she had decided to leave the friends that she was traveling with, and a few minutes later, bullets covered the seat where she would have been sitting.

she could have been terrified, but she wasn't, really. as if she knew deep down that she was going to be all right. no, she really wasn't scared, or she hid it quite well, even to herself.

so there it was - a drive to the hospital to confirm [what ever there was to confirm], imagining the worst, and telling herself that she'd be somewhere in the middle of the worst case scenario, and that she would be all right.

if she had been studying midwifery, she could have made several diagnostics - placenta abrutio, premature labor, ... but she wasn't, and the blood that felt like a menstrual period was just that - blood.

the night stay was nothing more than a night stay, waiting for the morning ultrasound, but sleeping regardless in the crowded room with her husband and her small boy. not the best of sleep, surely, but a sleep.

the morning ultrasound, anxiety slightly rising as her bladder filled, and waiting absolutely uncomfortable, for the permission to relief the urine-filled bladder.

and waiting, again, with a playful toddler running around for the results...

time seemed to stretch, endlessly.

- "all is fine. maybe a little blood vessel due to a contraction? it looks like you have a placenta previa - we will need to check on this later in the pregnancy, to make sure that you can have a vaginal birth..."

- "what about the baby?"

- "fine. everything's fine."

everything was fine. really. the worst case scenario was rejected for a much more pleasant one. one where there was really nothing to worry about. besides insurance paperwork, which seemed nothing compared to the worst avoided.

freedom and utter joy filled her heart as she rode back home. home sweet home. once again.

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